Scenario! Introduction to Playwriting and Stage


Introduction to Playwriting and Stage

Presented by PDX Playwrights
Workshop: January 8-11, 2024 from 6-9 PM
Final Performances: January 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM,
January 14 at 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM

Information and registration:


In this seven-day workshop at CoHo Theater from January 8 -14, with evening classes and staged readings on the weekend, we’ll examine the art and craft of playwriting and ask the BIG question: How does one uniquely create a compelling storytelling experience for the stage? Together we’ll actively explore how to build a world; develop distinct characters that change; incite a cause-and-effect story arc; and visually manifest a story with props, body gesture, and minimal lighting and sound effects, often more effective than words. 

Specifically we’ll focus on the script: setting, stage directions, dialog, subtext, beats, the use of symbols and motifs, rhythm and repetition, and finally, the all-important role of the audience and the theatrical context. Participants may be new to the craft, or experienced playwrights aiming to take a work-in-progress to the next level. With diverse backgrounds, ideas and experiences, Scenario writers will learn as much from one another as from the faculty coaches, contributing their comments as well as their questions to this collaborative experiment. On the weekend, Scenario writers will have the chance to invite friends and family to view their piece and offer feedback. This workshop provides writers with the opportunity to develop an ongoing working relationship with CoHo Theater, as well as the potential to produce a show at Fertile Ground with PDX Playwrights. Sign up for Scenario now, and help us to create a spectacle.